The Philosophers – ★★★ 1/2

John Huddle’s drama has its thinking cap on, and while it falters occasionally. It succeeds in being a refreshing story that allows ideas and thoughts to shine. The Philosophers surprises with just how good it is.

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The Darkness – ★★

With an overbearing score and a script that simply cannot get to grips with what supernatural influence it wants to take from, The Darkness never gets going. Resulting in a flawed, disjointed film that fails its audience in almost every way possible.

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Spanish Horror Ropes set for digital release November 19th

Smart Dog Productions are delighted to announce that their latest Spanish horror thriller, Ropes, will be released on Digital Download from 19th November. Fresh from it’s screening at Manchester’s Grimmfest, where it won Best Feature Film and Best Actress, Ropes will be available on iTunes, Amazon and Google from 19th

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